Blog Archive

Sunday 21 June 2015

English Week: Friday

Trummer Vision: USA - From New York City to San Francisco

     Photos: Elsi

Last Skype Session with Jack (photos will follow)

Thursday 18 June 2015

English Week: Thursday

On the 18th of June we were in Mrs. Hagen’s game station. At first we did a counting and a words game. Then we sat down in a circle and played a game were we often had to change our seat. Then we went to the smartboard and did a game called “wordsshaker”. We had to form different words with 16 letters. It was very funny. (Jonas, Katja)

Interview with our director Mr. Uitz
Matthias:  First question, Do you like your job as director ?
Mr. Uitz: Yes of course I do.                
Mia:  How long do you have to work a day and do you like it?
Mr. Uitz: let me think… Normally from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Matthias:  Why are you director of the PNMS Zwettl?
Mr. Uitz: I liked to do it.
Mia:  What have you got to do in your job?
Mr. Uitz: many organizing.
Matthias:  Are you happy with your students why/ why not ?
Mr. Uitz: I’m very happy with my students.
Mia:  Why did you want to work as a director ?
Mr. Uitz: I want to be in contact with the kids.
Matthias:  What did you do before you got to this job as director?
Mr. Uitz: I was a teacher for Music, Math and IT in this school.
Mia: Are you happy with your job?
Mr. Uitz: Yes, it’s a very nice job.
Matthias: Why do you manage this school?
Mr. Uitz: Because it’s the best school I know.
Mia: What is so special at this school?
Mr. Uitz: It’s a private school and I’m on this school since 1991.
Matthias: How long have you been director of this school?
Mr. Uitz: I’m director since 2010.
Mia: What visions have you got for the coming years at this school.
Mr. Uitz: It’s the most important IT middle school of the Waldviertel.

Mia and Matthias   

Thank you, Mr. Uitz for answering our questions!

Cinema Zwettl: "The Longest Ride"

English Week: Wednesday

Our Skype lesson with Jack was very interesting. He asked us about our school and he gave us tips about our future. He teaches at the Oxford school in Germany.
The Oxford school is an English school in Germany. They offer conversations with Skype, Business English or private lessons.

Julian Trötzmüller
    Pictures: Monika, Elena

On Wednesday we had one lesson with Mrs. Priesner. There we repeated some words from this year.
We split in two groups: the Raccoons and the Wombats. The groups had to write the German word and had to translate it in English. For each right word they got one point. When the groups were ready, Mrs. Priesner checked it. The group with the most points won. It was the Wombats group, but the Raccoons group was only one point behind.
This game wasn´t so easy because we also had to know words from the first units. (Evelyn, Johanna)

Tuesday 16 June 2015

English Week: Tuesday

     In this picture Robin and Marcello are drinking a cup of English tea. Cheers!
    Picture: Niklas & Marcello

In the first and the second lesson we cooked with Mrs. Schöllbauer. We cooked English tea, Hot Dogs and muffins. This is very typical food for English speaking countries.  We always worked together.  In these two lessons we had very much fun.  The meals were great. We drank the tea with milk, as in England.

Karina, Bianca and Doris

Questions about cooking, group A
(Directed by Lukas A. and René S.)
Lukas A.                :         Is it fun?
Andreas W.         :          Yes it is!     
Lukas A.                :          So, do you like it?
Karina S.               :          Yes I do!
René Sch.              :          And what are you doing?
Johannes M.        :          I have no idea (Hahahaha) no I am making hot dogs!
René Sch.              :          And what are you cooking?
Robin K.                :          Sausages and white bread! (Hot dogs)
Andreas W.         :          Blueberry muffins!

Andreas W.         :          Chocolate muffins!

     Picture: Niklas & Marcello

Monday 15 June 2015

English Week: Monday

In the first lesson of our English week we learned about space and the first man on the moon. We got a worksheet where we had to answer questions and translate some words.
The first man on the moon was Neil Armstrong in July 1969.
The first human in the space was Alan Shepard.

The first satellite was Sputnik 1 in 4th Oct 1957. (Niklas & Manuel)

Neil Armstrong was born in Wapakoneta, Ohio, on August 5, 1930. After serving in the Korean War and then finishing college, he joined the organization that would become NASA. He joined the astronaut program in 1962 and was command pilot for his first mission, Gemini VIII, in 1966. He was spacecraft commander for Apollo 11, the first manned lunar mission, and became the first man to walk on the moon. He died in Cincinnatiin 2012.(Karina,Bianca)

We have in our solar system 8 planets, a sun and a moon. The biggest planet is Jupiter and the smallest planet is Mercury. Our planet is the earth it is the third one at the solar system and the second name called the blue planet. (Doris)

Other lessons:

This lesson we had with Ms. Elsigan. First we talked about the blog. She also gave us tips how we can make the review about the week. We also wrote what you reading here. Kip also came. He had sweets with him. Ms. Elsigan tested us about the verbs and if we answered right, she gave us a sweet. 
(Johannes Mössl)

Lesson with Mrs. Adelhofer (Teacher at HLW)
In the lesson with Mrs. Adelhofer we wrote many interesting texts. Most of them were very crazy. At first we got pictures with animals  and vegetables. Then we created funny and strange stories with the pictures. Later we split in three groups and every group wrote two words on a sheet of paper. Then we swaped the papers and wrote a little story with it. We found it very funny.
(Georg Biegl, Florian Salzer)